
Russian-Canadian Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development in the Arctic Region

The event will be devoted to the current problems and the prospects of Russian-Canadian cooperation in the Arctic on its way to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the light of the Russian chairmanship in the Arctic Council during 2021–2023. The main goal of the discussion is to evaluate current opportunities and limitations of the Russian-Finnish cooperation in the Arctic, the effectiveness of existing platforms and formats of interaction, as well as priority areas for strengthening cooperation in the field of sustainable development in the Arctic.

The results of the Conference will further become a part of an analytical report on international cooperation in the field of sustainable development between Russia and Arctic and Non-arctic States. The results of the project will be presented at the high-level panels at international Arctic Forums in April of 2022 and 2023.

The conference is scheduled to be the second event of the ThinkArctic Project — a series of ten conferences on bilateral Russian cooperation with Arctic and Non-arctic states in the area of sustainable development, organized by the Roscongress Foundation, the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies, and the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation. ThinkArctic Project will be conducted within the Program of the Russian Chairmanship in the Arctic Council during 2021–2023.

The event topics:

  • Canadian Arctic strategy: priorities, goals and cooperation mechanisms.
  • Current tendencies of Russian-Canadian relations.
  • Prospects of Russian-Canadian cooperation in the field of sustainable development.