SPIEF 2023 to Feature Discussion of Environmental Security in the Arctic

Preserving the unique ecosystems of the Far North and improving legislation for specially protected areas will be up for discussion at the ‘Russian Arctic – Focal Point. Protected Areas in the 21st Century’ session, scheduled for 16 June at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum as part of the plan for Russia’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2021–2023. The event is being operated by the Roscongress Foundation.
Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment initiatives seeking to implement state policy for environmental security have focused in large part on the development of a network of specially protected natural areas (SPNAs) and the conservation of biodiversity among Arctic flora and fauna. Experts participating in the session will discuss strategic priorities and the implementation of the Principles of State Policy and the Strategy for Development of the Arctic Zone at they pertain to the preservation of biodiversity and development of the system of protected areas in the Arctic, the contribution protected areas in the Arctic make in ensuring national and environmental security, prospects for developing a monitoring system in this areas, and the creation of a network of observation stations.
Discussion participants will also be invited to discuss how to clean up the damage done to protected Arctic areas over the years, to consider best practices for interaction between the authorities and business companies on the conservation of biodiversity in the protected areas, and how to get youth involved in the conservation of Arctic biodiversity.
Session participants will include representatives of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and other relevant organisations and agencies, heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Arctic zone, legislative bodies, and companies operating in the High North.
The ‘Russian Arctic – Focal Point. Protected Areas in the 21st Century’ session will be held at the stand of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic in Expoforum Pavilion G. The business programme for the stand consists of approximately 15 events, with some of the events taking place as part of the plan for the Russian chairmanship of the Arctic Council: ‘Northern Sea Route. Accomplishments and Plans’, ‘Protecting and Monitoring Arctic Biodiversity’, and ‘Filmmaking in the Arctic: A Dialogue between Nature and Technology’.