
Session of Think Arctic – Think Global Project at SPIEF to Focus on New Opportunities for Arctic Cooperation

Participants in the session ‘The Arctic region as a unique area of international cooperation: prospects and opportunities’ of the international Think Arctic – Think Global project, which will be held on 14 June during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, will discuss the current state of and potential areas for interstate cooperation in the Far North amidst the current global changes.

The key discussion topics will be emerging opportunities for international cooperation in the Far North as well as the role of the Arctic and non-Arctic countries in the region’s sustainable development. In addition, considering the changes currently taking place in the modern world order, such issues as developing effective tools for managing processes in the Arctic region and building new mechanisms for managing the Arctic in the current geopolitical realities remain on the front burner.

Another major issue in the region is climate change, which is also of a transboundary nature. However, the melting of the Arctic ice is expanding economic opportunities for some countries, as it improves the prospects for the development of shipping and the oil industry.

The discussion, which will include experts and representatives of the scientific community from Russia, India, China, Norway, and the United States, will be moderated by Anastasia Likhacheva, Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at the Higher School of Economics.

The event is dedicated to the current state of and prospects for cooperation in the Arctic in an effort to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The session results will be part of an analytical report on international cooperation between Russia and the Arctic and non-Arctic states in matters concerning sustainable development. The Think Arctic – Think Global project is being implemented jointly by the Roscongress Foundation and the HSE Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies.

The goal of the Think Arctic – Think Global project is to promote Russia’s sustainable development agenda, strengthen a constructive international dialogue, and develop new points of contact for Russia’s interaction in high latitudes with all countries and organizations that are interested.

The session ‘The Arctic region as a unique area of international cooperation: prospects and opportunities’ will be held at the booth of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and the Arctic, which will be located in Pavilion G at the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre. The booth’s business programme includes roughly 15 events. Some of them will be held as part of the plan of Russia’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2021–2023, including: the session ‘The Northern Sea Route. Results and Plans’, ‘Protecting and Monitoring Arctic Biodiversity, ‘The Russian Arctic – Focal Point. Protected Areas in the 21st Century’, and ‘Filmmaking in the Arctic: A Dialogue between Nature and Technology’.
